Community Capacity Building

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Section 3

Step 6 – Connect with Sources

The sixth step of the CCB process is connecting with topic-related information sources inside and outside your community. Seeking and connecting with contacts and sources outside your community is just as important as connecting with sources within and across your community. Both can provide new evidence-based information, useful resources, and learning opportunities that can be used to build and maintain community capacity [3].

It is important to connect with organizations that do the work of summarizing and translating current research and theory into user-friendly resources (i.e., knowledge translation) [5]. The Saskatchewan Prevention is an example of an organization that does knowledge translation of current best evidence and then addresses the needs of service providers for information and skills through the development of resources and provision of professional training.

Step 6 – Connect with Sources Example

  1. Local Sources: Public Health services often have evidence-based information and resources regarding FASD. The local Alcohol Strategy group has researched best, and promising practices being used to decrease the harms of drinking on a community level.
  2. Provincial Sources: The Saskatchewan Prevention Institute provides current best practices and evidence-based resources and training to service providers and communities in a variety of child health areas. The Canadian Fetal Alcohol Disorder Research Network (CanFASD), a national, collaborative, multi-disciplinary group, provides evidence-based research focusing on the prevention of FASD and supporting pregnant people.